Reviews of Quarrel on the Chaparral

by Anvil of Culwyeh


This is based solely on trying these maps solo in a self host, and also by checking out the disassembled MESH's in Loathing.

Your rolling hills are too steep, imho, and while you did a fairly decent job with your passibility, there are still instances of units looking like they are launching upwards and no real indications what terrain is passable or not for units.

Sharp vertices are generally something to avoid with Myth, as they tend to look too unnatural and they become overly apparent near media. ie Your river shows alot of this.

Maybe just mine own personal preference, but i would also tone down your Media reflections some too, its like another tree in the water instead of a reflection of one.

As for the Color Maps themselves, I like them, kinda plain, but not bad. Your map edge transition is too sudden though, and again, no real indication as to what is passable terrain or not.

Some nice subtle details and good colorings, pathways are better than any i have ever managed, but your media was kinda blah. Basically same issues for the night map.

If you are not already, you'll want to use and become familiar with an art program that uses Layers, it makes the creation of CMaps much easier than werking in a single layer.

Overall i'd have to say your CMapping skills are better than mine were when i was first starting off. I would still suggest you do some forum or google searches, maybe find some of the old CMapping tips floating about, theres some good info been given over the years concerning color mapping.

Beyond that, just keep practicing at it and experimenting with blending your transitions better and lastly, give a little more visual cue to players as to what terrain is passable or impassable.

Nice Job!! :o)
